Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To tighten the module of the change of language (Joomla)

Customer: [Ocheretko] Eugene (luxus)
Category: Web- programming, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Version 1.0.15 is a Russian version of site there is the full translation (more accurate it will be after 1-2 days) necessary to make [knopochku] in the menu or any other but convenient place RU -ENg well and in order in [adminke] the possibility on that and in that language to finish writing was. Only so that it would not be instead of [Kirilitsy] of [voprosikov].) and site to work so remained. Like this Mamblefish or Joomfish - I think themselves you advise than better. Prices and periods?http: / / / projects / 93690.html

Work for the programmer of magento, urgently.

Customer: Dunayev Of stas (stas_du)
Category: Web- programming, the Internet- stores
Budget: ? Is necessary programmer with the experience of development into Magento. Urgently. Administration and design are not necessary.http: / / / projects / 93622.html

Passage to the new hosting

Customer: Sergeyev Peter (chasiki)
Category: System administration, the hosting
Budget: ? Good day. It is necessary to transfer site from one hosting to another.http: / / / projects / 93625.html

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

To dispose the server

Customer: [Anokhin] Dmitriy (Delpher)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: ? Aid in tuning of server is necessary. WASPS Of linux Of debian. Is necessary everything for the normal operation of site to wordpress + of zend and ioncube. The list of the necessary modules I will throw down into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 93334.html

Optimization VPS for the site to joomla

Customer: 0605 (0605)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is the site, written to joomla, attendance on the average of 2000 visitors, but is very much review during the day, near *** - 50000. Server does not maintain, almost entire working storage of 700 meters eats itself. Mysql periodically pushes off into the load peaks. Very many demands to the base processor (from AMD Of opteron) 1100 MHz OZU 768 mb. HDD of 40 Gb os Of centOS Of apache/of 2.2.8 php of 5.2.6 mysql 5.0.58 it is necessary to find the solution of optimization and to optimize in joomla. Thankshttp: / / / projects / 93344.html

Optimization VPS for the site to joomla

Customer: 0605 (0605)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is the site, written to joomla, attendance on the average of 2000 visitors, but is very much review during the day, near *** - 50000. Server does not maintain, almost entire working storage of 700 meters eats itself. Mysql periodically pushes off into the load peaks. Very many demands to the base processor (from AMD Of opteron) 1100 MHz OZU 768 mb. HDD of 40 Gb os Of centOS Of apache/of 2.2.8 php of 5.2.6 mysql 5.0.58 it is necessary to find the solution of optimization and to optimize in joomla. Thankshttp: / / / projects / 93344.html

Monday, January 26, 2009

It is necessary to synchronize the site between 3 [servakami

Customer: Alexandr Of stepanyuk (Ideasdesolator)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Site must be synchronized on 3 servers. Specialist with the experience is necessary. Components with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 93191.html

Tuning WP (2)

Customer: Reasons Vitalius (cymkin)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: 15 USD is required specialist in the tuning and the modification WP ([Vordpress]).http: / / / projects / 77564.html

Tuning MODx

Customer: [Sernov] Artem (MineFramme)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? To dispose the correct mapping of the news on CMS Of mODx.http: / / / projects / 93116.html

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Creation of server on the domestic computer

Customer: Mikhail (maxvideo)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is necessary aid in the creation of server on the domestic computer under control Windows Of home Of server 2008. The purpose - to place on domestic [servake] several sites of workers on PHP and MySQL. Computer is connected to there is no through [router] D -link DI-524. [Aypishnik] isolatedhttp: / / / projects / 93086.html