Saturday, January 10, 2009

On-line the translation of video from the Web- camera to the site

Customer: [Koshelev] Oleg (troisi)
Category: System administration
Budget: ? Camera and site is the Web. It is necessary to transmit competition in the regime it Line for *** of men. Windows Xp. Logitech Of quickCam.http: / / / projects / 90505.html

Friday, January 9, 2009

Site is loaded very for long, but sometimes it is not opened

Customer: Salimli Of ramil (saharas)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Generally there is a server. There i have several sites. Is load on that determined [sayt].[Nado] to apparently optimize muscle or that still. Generally I do not know in what problem there. Site is loaded very for long and sometimes not at all [gruzitsya].[Dumal] because of [modov].[Vzyal] and established new [dvig].[Bez] of modes without the [nichego].[Nichego] not [izmenilos].[Kto] is understood in this let it [stuchitsya] into [asku] of ***. Here write since here no one not [otvechayu].[Tolko] to [asku] and only understanding [chelovek].[Nikakikh] [predoplat] will not be thus far the matter not [sdelaetsya].[Srochnost] until today and for tomorrow.http: / / / projects / 90409.html

Consultation of administrator Terrasoft

Customer: Sergey Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: System administration, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is very necessary [konsultatsiya], the aid of knowing CRM Of terrasoft of 3.0 Firebird 2 it is possible through the program of the remote administration. Problems are the following: 1. contents of the layings of the connected information is not formed automatically, but they must ([skrin] from [rugovodstva] in the application) 2. reminding in the division of tasks works without the sound. (although can this in them so only and planned)http: / / / projects / 90413.html

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Selection and the installation of the system Of [billing] the panel of the hosting

Customer: [Gogison] Eugene (gogison)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: ? Selection and the installation of the system Of [billing] the panel of hosting I do not know that to select and as to establish. Is necessary it is good control panel of hosting with the finished design of template (by any) and the connection of [biling] of panel and registration of the domains through WEBNAMES.RU and Ukrainian domains (its UANIC is).http: / / / projects / 90233.html