Friday, February 6, 2009

[Peredelegirovanie] of domain.

Customer: [Kosolapov] Sasha (erasimov2006)
Category: System administration
Budget: ? It is necessary to [peredelegirovat] domain - to make domain records on the server and to give [info] about ns the servers for the delegation. Problem can be not as light as it seems at first glance.http: / / / projects / 95285.html

EPN Of ebay Of partner Of network Of accounts

Customer: Job of offer (joboffer2007)
Category: Advance of the site/OF SEO, the service of the support
Budget: 20 USD are necessary [akkaunty] here OF EPN Of ebay Of partner Of network Of accounts of https: // of approved, UK of based.http: / / / projects / 95299.html

EPN Of ebay Of partner Of network Of accounts

Customer: Job of offer (joboffer2007)
Category: Advance of the site/OF SEO, the service of the support
Budget: 20 USD are necessary [akkaunty] here OF EPN Of ebay Of partner Of network Of accounts of https: // of approved, UK of based.http: / / / projects / 95299.html

To establish cursor!

Customer: Shoma Of php (ShomaPHP)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Help to establish cursor! Cursor is flooded to the hosting it established rights 777 to the necessary folders, but entire equal that the not that!http: / / / projects / 95273.html

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuning by proxy of [soks]-5 (2)

Customer: Todoroc (tod)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? It is necessary to select the inexpensive area of vps on the hosting, where it is possible to also inexpensively purchase pool ip from many subnetworks, to connect them to [soks]- proxy of v.5. On SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device). Necessary condition - not the CIS ip is necessary approximately 15 ip [adressov], on 15 ports:) Proposal from the owners of hostings especially interests. Proxy are necessary under [legal] purpose, I can although contract sign - to me [vseravno]. No [spama] and so on. Interestingly long-term cooperation. I wait the proposalshttp: / / / projects / 87790.html

To verify site (2)

Customer: Sergeyev Peter (chasiki)
Category: System administration, testing the web- sites
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to verify site to the vulnerability, to look errors. Any efficient councils will be paid to 5[vmz]. Well work itself, with the selection of executor will be paid depending on the volume of works. The spectrum of works is diverse: to transfer site to the new hosting, to establish the statistics (desirably cnstats), to accelerate the load of pages.http: / / / projects / 93817.html

To dispose site to obtaining of web of money

Customer: Solovyev Igor (igrtlk)
Category: System administration
Budget: 5 USD it is necessary to dispose the site of http: // the automatic completion of the calculation through the Web of [mani].http: / / / projects / 95110.html

Perl - to transfer site and to secure!

Customer: Brook Irina (floiren)
Category: System administration, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to select hosting, to transfer and to publish site. But it must be preliminarily protected, for example, to publish on the protocol of https.http: / / / projects / 95059.html

Private project for [Mishina] of Arkady (Arkasha18)

Customer: [Domanova] Irina (Mirabel) the category: System administration is the budget: ? To protect site from [DDOS] of attacks.http: / / / projects / 95082.html

Is required [udalenno] to dispose DirectAdmin

Customer: [Chkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkh] Artem (Bes_vip)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: to 100 USD of the good time of day! They placed server on [kolokeyshn], having a little worked - it appeared the need to place control of hosting. They stopped at DA. Is possible its tuning [udalenno]? How much this will cost? I wait proposals into [asyu] of ***http: / / / projects / 94957.html

Is required [udalenno] to dispose DirectAdmin

Customer: [Chkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkh] Artem (Bes_vip)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: to 100 USD of the good time of day! They placed server on [kolokeyshn], having a little worked - it appeared the need to place control of hosting. They stopped at DA. Is possible its tuning [udalenno]? How much this will cost? I wait proposals into [asyu] of ***http: / / / projects / 94957.html

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is required [udalenno] to dispose DirectAdmin

Customer: [Chkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkh] Artem (Bes_vip)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: to 100 USD of the good time of day! They placed server on [kolokeyshn], having a little worked - it appeared the need to place control of hosting. They stopped at DA. Is possible its tuning [udalenno]? How much this will cost? I wait proposals into [asyu] of ***http: / / / projects / 94957.html

Installation and tuning Joomla from [multiyaz]. by the module

Customer: Grigoriy (griger)
Category: Tuning server/ON, administration systems [kontentom]
Budget: ? On the site is established Joomla of the version of 1.5.[kh] and 2 languages. Is established also the module Of m17n, which corresponds for switching of languages, but on some reason does not succeed in disposing the change of these languages themselves. So here, it is necessary to finish tuning this module.http: / / / projects / 94911.html

To remove the reason for a sharp increase in the foreign. the traffic

Customer: Andrey (dtis)
Category: System administration, tuning server/[po]
Budget: 20 USD of 18 numbers we have the increased foreign traffic, and more simply to say it goes in the gigantic sizes, one Trojan like as they found and they moved away, but traffic continues to go, as a rule it is activated from 21 hour (msk) and it lasts entire night, server is necessary to disconnect. Task in removing of the reason for this impulse of foreign traffic (sometimes it reached to 6 GB) [P].[S]. if you in this nothing understand, if you please do not write.http: / / / projects / 94843.html

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Project on MS Of project

Customer: Rybkin Anatoliy (RibkinAnatol)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? It is necessary to dispose MSProject on the hosting of company for the corporate conducting of projects. In the consequence will be necessary 1-2 hours of instruction on that as with this to work (removed) to write in [asyu] of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 94627.html

[nastroyk]a Of joomla 1.5.8

Customer: Kuznetsov Of oleg (Aquasonick)
Category: Web- programming, tuning server/[po]
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary the specialist for tuning Of joomla 1.5.9 script it works with the small problems, which I will record with the contact. In particular slowly it works, some problems with the cache. http: //pr through icq: *** Or to the soap: *** Of _________________ with the respect.http: / / / projects / 94624.html

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tuning newsgrabber

Customer: Rogovski Andrey (esupport)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to dispose newsgrabber to the football thematics to make divisions, to select donors, to dispose [sinonimayzerhttp: / / / projects / 94226.html