Saturday, December 27, 2008

Is necessary tuning vBulletin along the model

Customer: Jugers Of andrey (jugers12)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? To dispose vBulletin on the model from the site of [vvv].hotukdeals (reinforced-concrete pillbox) of com to draw simple design site is obligated to be completely identical on the functionality with the site of [vvv].hotukdeals (reinforced-concrete pillbox) of com but with another design of the requirement * OF PHP * Of mySQL * Of graphic Of design * Of script Of installation * Of website Of designhttp: / / / projects / 89009.html

Friday, December 26, 2008

Audit and the support of several servers to Gentoo

Customer: Mis Of vadim (Hackboy)
Category: System administration, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is necessary one specialist (I even he said fan) for conducting of Audit and further constant support of servers to Gentoo. Required requirements: 1. irreproachable knowledge and the skill of tuning Gentoo; 2. frequent online accessibility; 3. decency, accuracy and skill distinctly it is simple to [izyasnyatsya]. Request of the command administrators not to disturb. Preference of [otdaetsya] to candidates from the Ukraine. Leave information against you and your achievements by means of the private communications. P.S. not confident in their forces candidates, request not to disturb!http: / / / projects / 88885.html

Tuning the mail

Customer: Vitallium (sozium)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: 30 USD it is necessary to dispose the sending of mail through smtp the sluicehttp: / / / projects / 88804.html

Tuning the mail

Customer: Vitallium (sozium)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: 30 USD it is necessary to dispose the sending of mail through smtp the sluicehttp: / / / projects / 88804.html

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Consultation on the installation of proxy

Customer: [Kovalevich] Alexander (prophetz)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? It is necessary to give consultation (or to realize) about the installation SOCKS5 on VPS from ubuntu. Access to proxy it is compulsory on [loginu]/to password. Compulsorily indicate the pricehttp: / / / projects / 88750.html

Protection from ddos of the attacks

Customer: John Of bakster (bakster)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the system administration the budget: ? To establish on server protection from ddos of the attackshttp: / / / projects / 88709.html

Transfer of site to the new hosting and CMS

Customer: Kravchenko Alexander (KravA_76)
Category: Tuning server/ON, administration systems [kontentom]
Budget: ? It is during the first stage necessary to transfer site to the hosting in Adamant and to connect to CMS. Subsequently will be required [redizayn] and advance. Encounter with the executor in our office is required: [g].[Kiev], m. Is [beresteyskayahttp: / / / projects / 88672.html

To correct the error Of permission of denied

Customer: Abramov Tatiana (Anak0nda)
Category: Hosting
Budget: 5 USD with the transfer of site from one hosting to another arose the error Of permission of denied. Site on [zhumle]. Error - problem with the access of files. Rocking files to the hosting is impossible. Aid in the solution of problem is necessary.http: / / / projects / 88633.html

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Customer: [Kirichenko] Herman (biobob)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? It is necessary simply to establish forum to the site DLE-FORUM of v2.2http: / / / projects / 88259.html

To solve the [opredelennuyu] task.

Customer: [Ilichev] Georgiy (GregM)
Category: System administration, tuning server/[po]
Budget: 50 USD description. Is a local network that consisting of 4 [kompov]. It is connected to the Internet through [router]. Task. It is necessary to limit Internet access. I.e., to make filtration on websites or Url. It is simply stated necessary to make so as to, Internet access was to the [opredelennye] 3 sites. Everything else must be blocked. The question as this to make? Propose versions either with the aid of iron or [softa]. Is necessary complete solution of the problem presented.http: / / / projects / 88217.html

Monday, December 22, 2008

Modification of site (2)

Customer: Rom Andrey (dgek70)
Category: Web- programming, the system administration
Budget: ? Regards! I have a site of http: // I should make him living; 1.[forum] is desirable with the registration and so that it is possible with it would be the photo to pump into their of 2.[chtob] visitors could leave opinions, photos if you can help that writehttp: / / / projects / 86379.html

Sunday, December 21, 2008

To dispose on the server of php_zip.dll

Customer: Andrey Of nogiev (nogiev)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: 10 USD Of freeBSD 6.0 are required to place and to dispose on the server of php_zip.dll of [aska] of ***http: / / / projects / 87964.html

Tuning by proxy of [soks]-5

Customer: Todoroc (tod)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? It is necessary to select the inexpensive area of vps on the hosting, where it is possible to also inexpensively purchase pool ip from many subnetworks, to connect them to [soks]- proxy of v.5. Also are examined any alternative proposals (into [lichku])!http: / / / projects / 87790.html

To establish NetCat 3 e-Commerce

Customer: [Kudryavtsev] Nikolai (Nikolay63)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the Web- programming
Budget: 180 USD to establish to the hosting, to dispose it. To establish Internet- store, to dispose it. To load into the Internet- store of ~1000 goods from 1- S of bases. Small change in the standard template, the creation ~5 of pages ([kontent] my). Man from Moscow is necessary, other cities not to disturb!http: / / / projects / 87835.html

It is necessary to dispose server to Fedora 10

Customer: Debts Vladislav (LertaRU)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? The axis Of fedora of 10 x86_64 is necessary aid on the tuning the Web, mysql and [ftp] of server. But it is more concrete specific, is VDS server to FreeBSD, the sites cost on it, here this all to themselves to the computer I transfer well and another pair of questions. To be turned here or to the mail.http: / / / projects / 87846.html