Saturday, January 3, 2009

Administration of the server Of freeBSD

Customer: [Rysev] Leonid (Kristina07)
Category: System administration
Budget: the administration of the server Of freeBSD 3000 rub per month or is hourly to 100 USD. it is located to Hetzner.De, our basic site of from you we wait: professionalism, accessibility, responsibility. Current TZ: the sending of distributions from the separate IP- address from those not equipped from the chosen subnetwork.http: / / / projects / 89562.html

Tuning VPN of the server

Customer: [Vorobev] Aleksey (vorob239)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the system administration
Budget: ? It is necessary to dispose vpn on the chosen server under linux with several subnetworks in such a way that to each user would be appropriated individual ip address on leaving into the Internet through vpn.http: / / / projects / 89499.html

Installation Of freeBsd on the remote server

Customer: Orlov Kostya (OrlovKostya)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is required the remote installation Of freeBsd on server from Hetzner.De I listen to your proposals and prices!http: / / / projects / 89490.html

Agriya Of kootali Of faceBoo the aid

Customer: [Izmailov] Nikolai (tirannekulin)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Help to place! this is script as in the contact! I all made as there and here sgl demand not to [vypolnyaetsya]! I lay out it for the review it can in you come out! the reference of http: // 984249051http: / / / projects / 89536.html

Installation Of freeBsd on the remote server

Customer: Orlov Kostya (OrlovKostya)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Is required the remote installation Of freeBsd on server from Hetzner.De I listen to your proposals and prices!http: / / / projects / 89490.html

To correct 500 Internal Of server Of error of nginx/0.5.35

Customer: Ivanov Denis (Muhomor)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD how do you do. On the server, where are established two sites on the cursor DLE and one [sidzh] on the cursor Of proton TM sufficiently frequently, especially in the rush hours appears this error. Sometimes falls only one site on DLE (attendance near 8-9[K]). Sometimes fall immediately all sites. It is necessary to find also as far as possible to be dismantled with the problem. I give complete root access to VPS to server and control panel. Budget of 50wmz.http: / / / projects / 89484.html

Tuning VPN of the server

Customer: [Vorobev] Aleksey (vorob239)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the system administration
Budget: ? It is necessary to dispose vpn on the chosen server under linux with several subnetworks in such a way that to each user would be appropriated individual ip address on leaving into the Internet through vpn.http: / / / projects / 89499.html

Friday, January 2, 2009

To establish server CS

Customer: Alexandrenko Of dmitrii (shport)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Good day. All with the ensuing New Year. It would be desirable to place on its project, in its addition, server CS. Can who it will be able to help? P.S- at the given moment with the finances is tight; therefore is necessary the enthusiast, man to whom will be interesting his work.http: / / / projects / 89372.html

Help if you please on Dle 7.3

Customer: Vorontsov Alex (intel16)
Category: Web- programming, the system administration
Budget: ? Children prompt if you please how to make so that the archives of the news they would not be hidden into Dle 7.3? Or as to make so that the archives of the news would be derived for example 12 and not 6, and rest were hidden?http: / / / projects / 89401.html

Help to place dle

Customer: [Izmailov] Nikolai (tirannekulin)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Error it even to install does not go with [ustonovki] of dle to appserv 2.5.9! which to make writes the type of internalization error and to [sylaetsya] to [adminahttp: / / / projects / 89424.html

Thursday, January 1, 2009

To establish server CS

Customer: Alexandrenko Of dmitrii (shport)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Good day. All with the ensuing New Year. It would be desirable to place on its project, in its addition, server CS. Can who it will be able to help? P.S- at the given moment with the finances is tight; therefore is necessary the enthusiast, man to whom will be interesting his work.http: / / / projects / 89372.html