Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To tighten the module of the change of language (Joomla)

Customer: [Ocheretko] Eugene (luxus)
Category: Web- programming, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Version 1.0.15 is a Russian version of site there is the full translation (more accurate it will be after 1-2 days) necessary to make [knopochku] in the menu or any other but convenient place RU -ENg well and in order in [adminke] the possibility on that and in that language to finish writing was. Only so that it would not be instead of [Kirilitsy] of [voprosikov].) and site to work so remained. Like this Mamblefish or Joomfish - I think themselves you advise than better. Prices and periods?http: / / / projects / 93690.html

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