Thursday, December 11, 2008

Modification of the site

Customer: Rom Andrey (dgek70)
Category: Web- programming, the system administration
Budget: ? Regards! I have a site of http: // I should make him living; 1.[forum] is desirable with the registration and so that it is possible with it would be the photo to pump into their of 2.[chtob] visitors could leave opinions, photos if you can help that writehttp: / / / projects / 86379.html

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Aid in tuning of *nix of system.

Customer: [Gruzdov] Aleksey (Artei)
Category: System administration, tuning server/[po]
Budget: 30 USD to student is required aid in the solution of task for the automatic weapon: Tuning [billingovoy] system with the control of traffic/of cost using VPN. Requirement: the use only of free [softa]. It was intended to use FreeBSD, but if you advise something another, then against I will not be. Is necessary person, capable of step-by-step [obyasnit] all stages of the installation of VPN- server, [billingovoy] system and entire necessary for the solution of this problem. Details can be discussed on ICQ: 455602264 help student!http: / / / projects / 86309.html

Development of the client program

Customer: [Sirenko] Cyril (Chieftec)
Category: Development of applied ON, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Good evening! Is studied cost + it is selected executor for the realization at the beginning of 2009 of sufficiently large and volumetric application for Windows, which will interact with the remote server in the Internet. TZ with the interest I will give out, write with the indication [portfolio]. Previously thanks.http: / / / projects / 86077.html

tuning Clearspace Of community

Customer: [Zdorovetskiy] Alexander (olson)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary It j2EE[programmist] to dispose Clearspace Of community, to develop and to support this project.http: / / / projects / 86134.html

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Development of the client program

Customer: [Sirenko] Cyril (Chieftec)
Category: Development of applied ON, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Good evening! Is studied cost + it is selected executor for the realization at the beginning of 2009 of sufficiently large and volumetric application for Windows, which will interact with the remote server in the Internet. TZ with the interest I will give out, write with the indication [portfolio]. Previously thanks.http: / / / projects / 86077.html

tuning Clearspace Of community

Customer: [Zdorovetskiy] Alexander (olson)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary It j2EE[programmist] to dispose Clearspace Of community, to develop and to support this project.http: / / / projects / 86134.html

Development of the client program

Customer: [Sirenko] Cyril (Chieftec)
Category: Development of applied ON, tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? Good evening! Is studied cost + it is selected executor for the realization at the beginning of 2009 of sufficiently large and volumetric application for Windows, which will interact with the remote server in the Internet. TZ with the interest I will give out, write with the indication [portfolio]. Previously thanks.http: / / / projects / 86077.html

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tuning CMS Of amiro (2)

Customer: Sea horses of seeds (fokss)
Category: Control systems [kontentom], tuning server/[po]
Budget: to 50 USD Of [neobkhadima] tuning CMS Of amiro. The structure of catalog is not necessary, optimization is not necessary. Request to indicate cost.http: / / / projects / 77578.html

Tuning CMS Of amiro (2)

Customer: Sea horses of seeds (fokss)
Category: Control systems [kontentom], tuning server/[po]
Budget: to 50 USD Of [neobkhadima] tuning CMS Of amiro. The structure of catalog is not necessary, optimization is not necessary. Request to indicate cost.http: / / / projects / 77578.html