Saturday, November 29, 2008

To dispose site for the work from + Of

Customer: [Makarskiy] Vladlen (lord2008)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to dispose site for the work from + Of data of the site: Address: http: // CMS: DataLifeEngine (DLE) the contacts: *** of ***http: / / / projects / 84275.html

Work for [admina] of freeBSD

Customer: Burianov Of andrey (andercut)
Category: System administration, tuning server/[po]
Budget: the work is light to 100 USD. Simply by necessity to check t of hard drives, to follow the work of server, to if necessary correct errors, to copy information from the installed disks, to if necessary establish [dopolnitelnoe] [po]. Payment is monthly. On the average of 4-5 hours of work in the month. Requirements for the executor: 1) the telephone 2) constantly of online 3) is desirable the personal certificate of [vebmani] 4) positive opinions from other customershttp: / / / projects / 84260.html

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ubuntu Of spam of filter + of firewall

Customer: Valentinas (realseti)
Category: Tuning server/ON, other
Budget: ? Ubuntu of virtual of private of server must be established and to dispose: spam of filter of firewall we wait your proposalshttp: / / / projects / 83671.html

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ubuntu Of spam of filter + of firewall

Customer: Valentinas (realseti)
Category: Tuning server/ON, other
Budget: ? Ubuntu of virtual of private of server must be established and to dispose: spam of filter of firewall we wait your proposalshttp: / / / projects / 83671.html

The server of flow video is required to dispose

Customer: Belov Sergey (simplewhite)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: ? How do you do. Is required specialist which it can dispose the server of flow video to CentOs 4.0. Is required the regime Of video On Of demand. Is now on the server established vlc and ffmpeg, we can it will establish another program. It is necessary everything to dispose and to show as to add other files for flow video. In this regime with the opening of address by the client of rtsp: // was started the playback of file. Is required the support of playback to IPhone (mp4), on Windows Of mobile and to the Web to the page through Flash.http: / / / projects / 83585.html

Installation of forum IPB

Customer: Andrey (andred14)
Category: Tuning server/[po]
Budget: 1 USD it is necessary to establish forum IPB 2.3.5. Files on server are already shaken, I will give FTP access to the folder. The base Of mySql is already created. Very to establish did not come out, it is most likely necessary something to include on the server (possibility to include \ to turn off in me there is). On the whole your aid is necessary, in order to reveal error.http: / / / projects / 83474.html

Monday, November 24, 2008

Transfer of the base of given BY CMS joomla

Customer: Petrov Ivan (derin)
Category: Hosting
Budget: 5 USD necessary to transfer [BD] of joomla (standard assembling) in [BD] of joomla (pro assembling request into [lichku] not knock, answer nevertheless I will not be!http: / / / projects / 83372.html

Transfer of the 2nd sites to the new hosting

Customer: Babaev Mikhail (bmvr)
Category: Hosting
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to transfer and to establish turnkey 2 sites to new VPS from [bekapa]. Panel on VPS Of directAdmin.http: / / / projects / 83248.html

Tuning [routera

Customer: [Ilichev] Georgiy (GregM)
Category: System administration, the service of the support
Budget: to 50 USD regards by all!!! Is necessary aid in tuning of [routera] for the output into the Internet only to the [opredelennye] sites. Or can prompt what [nibud] another program, for blocking all sites except [opredelennykh].http: / / / projects / 83270.html

Tuning [routera

Customer: [Ilichev] Georgiy (GregM)
Category: System administration, the service of the support
Budget: to 50 USD regards by all!!! Is necessary aid in tuning of [routera] for the output into the Internet only to the [opredelennye] sites. Or can prompt what [nibud] another program, for blocking all sites except [opredelennykh].http: / / / projects / 83270.html

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Transfer of the 2nd sites to the new hosting

Customer: Babaev Mikhail (bmvr)
Category: Hosting
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to transfer and to establish turnkey 2 sites to new VPS from [bekapa]. Panel on VPS Of directAdmin.http: / / / projects / 83248.html

To dispose the server

Customer: [Tikhnenko] Dmitriy (webdimon)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: ? Necessary to dispose server does not work the data basehttp: / / / projects / 83141.html

Is required [admin] of freeBSD

Customer: Burianov Of andrey (andercut)
Category: System administration, tuning server/ON the budget: to 100 USD to [postoyanku] is required [admin] of freeBSDhttp: / / / projects / 83146.html

To dispose the server

Customer: [Tikhnenko] Dmitriy (webdimon)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: ? Necessary to dispose server does not work the data basehttp: / / / projects / 83141.html

Is required [admin] of freeBSD

Customer: Burianov Of andrey (andercut)
Category: System administration, tuning server/ON the budget: to 100 USD to [postoyanku] is required [admin] of freeBSDhttp: / / / projects / 83146.html

To dispose the server

Customer: [Tikhnenko] Dmitriy (webdimon)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: ? Necessary to dispose server does not work the data basehttp: / / / projects / 83141.html

To dispose the server

Customer: [Tikhnenko] Dmitriy (webdimon)
Category: Tuning server/ON, the hosting
Budget: ? Necessary to dispose server does not work the data basehttp: / / / projects / 83141.html